2 out of 3 Americans worry about money for an average of 2 hours per day.

Despite the US achieving the highest GDP in the world since 1960, less than 55% of Americans have 3 months of emergency savings.

In many Western individualistic societies, individuals manage their finances independently.

<aside> 💡 Humans are 95% more likely to achieve goals when they are accountable to others. "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts" - Aristotle.


To achieve greater financial health for everyone, we need community accountability in today's financial systems.

This is not new.

In Mexico, approximately one-third of the population participates in money pooling groups.

And it works.

In a study of 130 saving circles or money pooling groups, the nonpayment rate was found to be 0.005%.

However, when handled manually, these community mechanisms have the following drawbacks:

  1. Compromised safety
  2. Difficulty in scaling
  3. Limited customization options